Lite XL has the concept of Views and Nodes. Views in Lite XL is organized into binary tree, with each leaf node containing one or more Views. A branch can either split vertically or horizontally.
A View is a UI component used to display content to the end user. As such, a View contains methods for event handling, state management and rendering.
A View can be created by extending the View
class. The View
class contains many important states and provides convenience methods for handling events.
After that, you can create instances of Views and add them to a Node.
For example, we'll create a View called HelloView
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is the constructor for HelloView.
-- Here, we'll call View's constructor to initialize
-- some important states.
-- This can be "session" or "application"
-- If you specify "application", then the View will
-- not be closed when the user performs "root:close-all".
-- The user must explicitly close this View.
self.context = "session"
self.caption = "Hello world!"
function HelloView:get_name()
-- Returns the display name of the View.
-- If tabs are enabled, this will be displayed as the tab title.
return "Hello!"
-- Add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- We'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- This will usually create a new tab.
Currently, this plugin will do nothing. You won't see anything because the View doesn't have a draw function.
Size, position and scrolling
A View can be thought of as a stencil on canvas. Everything drawn within the View dimension will be shown to the user, while everything drawn outside the View are discarded. This ties into how Lite XL handles scrolling — the canvas is moved around instead of the stencil.
The size of a View (the stencil) is stored in View.size.x
and View.size.y
. These are the size of the stencil following our analogy. The size of the canvas is computed by calling View:get_scrollable_size()
and View:get_h_scrollable_size()
. These methods can return a value larger than the View size to enable scrolling or very huge numbers that represents an infinitely scrollable View.
The position of the View relative to the window is stored in View.position
. Following our analogy, these values represent where to place the stencil. In reality, these values are rarely used directly as values returned by View:get_content_offset()
is more useful.
If a View is scrollable, you should set View.scrollable
to true
and override View:get_scrollable_size()
and View:get_h_scrollable_size()
. You should also call View:draw_scrollbar()
in your draw method to render Lite XL's scrollbar for convenience.
When a View is scrollable, View:get_content_offset()
can be used to determine where to start drawing. This method returns starting X and Y coordinates, which may be negative to represent hidden content above the View; or larger View size to represent hidden content after the View.
The scroll state of the View is stored in View.scroll
. This table contains the X and Y offset when the view is scrolled. To simulate scrolling, you can change the value of
. A positive value will scroll right / down while a negative value scrolls left / up. Alternatively, you may change View.scroll.x
or View.scroll.y
In our example, we'll implement horizontal and vertical scrolling. The surface size is double our View size.
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is the constructor for HelloView.
-- Here, we'll call View's constructor to initialize
-- some important states.
-- set a caption that we'll use later
self.caption = "Hello world!"
self.scrollable = true
function HelloView:get_name()
-- Returns the display name of the View.
-- If tabs are enabled, this will be displayed as the tab title.
return "Hello!"
function HelloView:get_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" height of the View
return 2 * self.size.y
function HelloView:get_h_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" width of the View
return 2 * self.size.x
function HelloView:draw()
-- You should call this to avoid overdrawing
-- previous content.
-- Draw the scrollbar
-- Add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- We'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- This will usually create a new tab.
You should end up with a View that is scrollable but has nothing in it. We're going to draw something in the next section.
The most important method of a view is View:render()
. This function is called when Lite XL wants to render something.
As mentioned before, you can draw anywhere on the screen, but only the contents within the View is shown to the user. This is implemented by Node.draw()
setting the clip rectangle to the dimensions of the View.
In our example, we're going to draw the caption we've set in the constructor.
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is the constructor for HelloView.
-- Here, we'll call View's constructor to initialize
-- some important states.
-- set a caption that we'll use later
self.caption = "Hello world!"
self.scrollable = true
function HelloView:get_name()
-- Returns the display name of the View.
-- If tabs are enabled, this will be displayed as the tab title.
return "Hello!"
function HelloView:get_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" height of the View
return 2 * self.size.y
function HelloView:get_h_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" width of the View
return 2 * self.size.x
function HelloView:draw()
-- You should call this to avoid overdrawing
-- previous content.
-- Get the top-left corner of the View
local x, y = self:get_content_offset()
-- We'll use view.size here so that looks centered
-- At the start.
local w, h = self.size.x, self.size.y
-- Draw the caption with common.draw_text().
-- This function provides some utilities such as alignment
-- over renderer.draw_text().
common.draw_text(style.font, style.text, self.caption, "center", x, y, w, h)
-- Draw the scrollbar
-- Add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- We'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- This will usually create a new tab.
You should end up with some text drawn in the center of the screen. In the next section, we'll make it more interesting.
Never draw anything outside the render method.
The render method is called after renderer.begin_frame(). Any draw calls before this function will be discarded.
Views have several methods to handle events. Events are usually propagated from the top (RootView) to the bottom. Event handlers are usually called on_<event_name>
except update
. You can override these methods to provide your own handler logic. Some events require you to return true
to indicate that the event is handled and should not be propagated further.
Periodic updates
The update
event is sent right before Lite XL redraws its UI. You can use this event to perform some state management among other things. The handler is called without arguments and should return nothing.
In our example, let's extend HelloView
by displaying the number of seconds elapsed since Lite XL started.
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is the constructor for HelloView.
-- Here, we'll call View's constructor to initialize
-- some important states.
-- set a caption that we'll use later
self.caption = "Hello world!"
self.scrollable = true
function HelloView:get_name()
-- Returns the display name of the View.
-- If tabs are enabled, this will be displayed as the tab title.
return "Hello!"
function HelloView:get_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" height of the View
return 2 * self.size.y
function HelloView:get_h_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" width of the View
return 2 * self.size.x
function HelloView:update()
-- Update some important View states.
-- system.get_time() returns the number of seconds since Lite XL started.
self.caption = string.format("Time elapsed: %.2f", system.get_time())
-- This tells Lite XL that we want to constantly redraw.
core.redraw = true
function HelloView:draw()
-- You should call this to avoid overdrawing
-- previous content.
-- Get the top-left corner of the View
local x, y = self:get_content_offset()
-- We'll use view.size here so that looks centered
-- At the start.
local w, h = self.size.x, self.size.y
-- Draw the caption with common.draw_text().
-- This function provides some utilities such as alignment
-- over renderer.draw_text().
common.draw_text(style.font, style.text, self.caption, "center", x, y, w, h)
-- Draw the scrollbar
-- Add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- We'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- This will usually create a new tab.
Try commenting out core.redraw = true
in the update method.
This will cause the timer to freeze as soon as there's no input.
is only called when Lite XL wants to update the content; it will not be called when nothing is changed.
The keymap is the go-to way for handling mouse events with keystrokes. However, if you want to have more control over mouse events, you can override View:on_mouse_moved()
, View:on_mouse_pressed()
and View:on_mouse_wheel()
function View:on_mouse_moved(x: number,
y: number,
dx: number,
dy: number): boolean end
function View:on_mouse_pressed(button: MouseButton,
x: number,
y: number,
clicks: number): boolean end
function View:on_mouse_released(button: MouseButton,
x: number,
y: number): nil end
function View:on_mouse_wheel(y: number, x: number): boolean end
accepts the X and Y coordinates of the mouse and the X and Y difference from the mouse's last position.
accepts the button pressed, the X and Y coordinates where the button is pressed and the number of clicks (from 1 to 3).
accepts the same arguments as View:on_mouse_pressed()
except the number of clicks.
accepts the number of steps scrolled vertically and horizontally.
All of these methods except View:on_mouse_released()
returns a boolean indicating that the event is handled.
In our example, we'll implement dragging the text around the view.
-- mod-version:3
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is the constructor for HelloView.
-- Here, we'll call View's constructor to initialize
-- some important states.
-- Set a caption that we'll use later
self:set_caption "Hello world!"
-- Position of the caption relative to View
self.caption_pos = { x = 0, y = 0 }
-- Position of cursor relative to caption
self.cursor_pos = { x = 0, y = 0 }
-- True if the user is dragging the caption
self.hold = false
self.scrollable = true
function HelloView:get_name()
-- Returns the display name of the View.
-- If tabs are enabled, this will be displayed as the tab title.
return "Hello!"
function HelloView:get_caption_size()
-- getter method for caption size
return self.caption_w, self.caption_h
function HelloView:set_caption(caption)
-- setter method for caption
self.caption_w = style.font:get_width(caption)
self.caption_h = style.font:get_height()
self.caption = caption
function HelloView:get_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" height of the View
return 2 * self.size.y
function HelloView:get_h_scrollable_size()
-- the "actual" width of the View
return 2 * self.size.x
function HelloView:get_caption_bounding_box()
local x1, y1 = self:get_content_offset()
x1, y1 = x1 + self.caption_pos.x, y1 + self.caption_pos.y
local x2, y2 = x1 + self.caption_w, y1 + self.caption_h
return x1, y1, x2, y2
function HelloView:on_mouse_pressed(button, x, y, clicks)
-- Skip if the event is already handled
if HelloView.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, button, x, y, clicks) then return true end
local x1, y1, x2, y2 = self:get_caption_bounding_box()
if x >= x1 and y >= y1 and x <= x2 and y <= y2 then
-- Store cursor position relative to caption
self.cursor_pos.x, self.cursor_pos.y = x - x1, y - y1
self.hold = true
return true
return false
function HelloView:on_mouse_moved(x, y, dx, dy)
-- Skip if the event is already handled
if HelloView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, x, y, dx, dy) then return true end
if self.hold then
-- Normalize cursor position to top left corner of the caption
x, y = x - self.cursor_pos.x, y - self.cursor_pos.y
-- Get the position relative to View
local vx, vy = self:get_content_offset()
local vw, vh = self:get_h_scrollable_size() - self.caption_w, self:get_scrollable_size() - self.caption_h
self.caption_pos.x, self.caption_pos.y = common.clamp(x - vx, 0, vw), common.clamp(y - vy, 0, vh)
function HelloView:on_mouse_released(...)
HelloView.super.on_mouse_released(self, ...)
self.hold = false
function HelloView:update()
-- Update some important View states.
-- system.get_time() returns the number of seconds since Lite XL started.
self:set_caption(string.format("Time elapsed: %.2f", system.get_time()))
-- This tells Lite XL that we want to constantly redraw.
core.redraw = true
function HelloView:draw()
-- You should call this to avoid overdrawing
-- previous content.
-- Get the top-left corner of the View
local x, y = self:get_content_offset()
-- Calculate the absolute position of the caption
x, y = x + self.caption_pos.x, y + self.caption_pos.y
-- We're using renderer.draw_text() as we don't need the alignment
-- goodies anymore.
-- Note the different order of arguments.
renderer.draw_text(style.font, self.caption, x, y, style.text)
-- Draw the scrollbar
-- Add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- We'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- This will usually create a new tab.
We've used on_mouse_pressed()
, on_mouse_moved()
and on_mouse_released()
method to track the cursor and draw the caption at the correct position. Note that View:get_scrollable_size()
and View:get_h_scrollable_size()
is used to compute the surface size. The text can now be dragged around.
Text Input
To receive text input events, you must override View:supports_text_input()
and return true
, then override View:on_text_input()
and handle events.
Additionally, if you wish to handle IME composition events as well, you can override View:on_ime_text_editing()
. Most text editors uses this event to show a preview of the text being composed.
function View:on_text_input(text: string): nil end
function View:on_ime_text_editing(text: string,
start: number,
length: number): nil end
accepts a string containing the text entered and returns nothing.
accepts the text being composited, the start of current composition selection and the length of said selection. Generally, this event is emitted until the user finalizes the composition, then on_text_input()
will be emitted followed by an empty on_ime_text_editing
For instance, for inputting the text "hello" with a Pinyin IME:
on_ime_text_editing: "和", 3, 0
on_ime_text_editing: "合理", 6, 0
on_ime_text_editing: "hell", 3, 0
on_ime_text_editing: "hello", 3, 0
on_text_input: "hello"
on_ime_text_editing: "", 0, 0
Let's implement rudimentary text input in our example.
In our example, we'll add support for text input and IME composition.
local core = require "core"
local command = require "core.command"
local common = require "core.common"
local ime = require "core.ime"
local keymap =require "core.keymap"
local style = require ""
local View = require "core.view"
local HelloView = View:extend()
function HelloView:new()
-- This is HelloView's constructor.
-- You must call the super constructor to initialize important state data.
-- The position of the caption relative to the view
self.caption_pos = { x = 0, y = 0 }
-- The offset of the cursor from the top left corner of the caption
-- when it is held
self.cursor_offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }
-- The caption and its pixel width
self.caption = ""
self.caption_w = style.font:get_width(self.caption)
-- IME text composition state
self.composition = { text = "", start = 0, length = 0 }
self.hold = false
function HelloView:on_mouse_moved(px, py, dx, dy)
-- If the super method already handled the event, we shouldn't handle it.
-- This is important for scrollbar handling if view is scrollable.
if HelloView.super.on_mouse_moved(self, px, py, dx, dy) then return true end
-- If we're not holding down mouse we should ignore the event
if not self.hold then return end
-- Correct the mouse position to behave as if the cursor was placed on the
-- top-left corner of the caption.
-- Without this, the caption will "jump" towards the cursor.
px, py = px - self.cursor_offset.x, py - self.cursor_offset.y
-- Calculate the bounding rectangle of the Viee
local x1, y1 = self:get_content_offset()
-- Here, the bounding rectangle is shrunk by the size of the caption.
-- This prevents the caption from clipping out of the view.
local x2, y2 = self.size.x - self.caption_w, self.size.y - style.font:get_height()
-- Set the position of the caption relative to the view.
self.caption_pos.x, self.caption_pos.y = common.clamp(px - x1, 0, x2), common.clamp(py - y1, 0, y2)
return true
function HelloView:on_mouse_pressed(button, px, py, clicks)
-- If the super method handled the event we should skip our own handler.
if HelloView.super.on_mouse_pressed(self, button, px, py, clicks) then return true end
-- the bounding box of the caption
local x1, y1 = self:get_content_offset()
x1, y1 = x1 + self.caption_pos.x, y1 + self.caption_pos.y
local x2, y2 = x1 + self.caption_w, y1 + style.font:get_height()
if px >= x1 and py >= y1 and px <= x2 and py <= y2 then
-- Save the cursor position relative to the caption
self.cursor_offset.x, self.cursor_offset.y = px - x1, py - y1
self.hold = true
return true
function HelloView:on_mouse_released(...)
HelloView.super.on_mouse_released(self, ...)
self.hold = false
function HelloView:supports_text_input()
-- tell Lite XL that we support text input
return true
function HelloView:on_text_input(text)
-- Append text to the caption and recalculate the width
self.caption = self.caption .. text
self.caption_w = style.font:get_width(self.caption)
function HelloView:on_ime_text_editing(text, start, length)
-- Store composition state
self.composition = { text = text, start = start, length = length }
function HelloView:update()
-- You should do state management in this method.
-- If you override this method, you must call the super method.
if self.composition.text ~= "" then
-- We need to tell the system where to put the IME window.
-- Get the bounding box of the selected composition text
local ime_selection_text = self.composition.text:usub(self.composition.start, self.composition.length)
local ime_not_selected = self.composition.text:usub(1, self.composition.start - 1)
local x, y = self:get_content_offset()
x, y = x + self.caption_pos.x + style.font:get_width(ime_not_selected), y + self.caption_pos.y
-- Set the position of the IME window
ime.set_location(x, y, style.font:get_width(ime_selection_text), style.font:get_height())
function HelloView:draw()
-- In here, we did not call self.super.draw(self) because we're extending View.
-- View's draw() method does nothing.
-- Instead, we'll call self:draw_background() to draw the background.
-- If you don't call this, you'll overdraw previous content.
-- get the x and y offset of the View.
-- Since a view can be anywhere within a window, you must use this x and y
-- offset to ensure that you're drawing inside your View.
-- Otherwise, you will draw on other Views and the content can get obscured.
local x, y = self:get_content_offset()
x, y = x + self.caption_pos.x, y + self.caption_pos.y
-- Here, we switch to renderer.draw_text() because we don't need to align
-- the text anymore.
-- Note the different order of arguments.
x = renderer.draw_text(style.font,
x, y,
local caret_pos = x
if self.composition.text ~= "" then
-- Draw the composition text
local xadvance = renderer.draw_text(style.font,
x, y,
-- Draw an underline to indicate that this is a composition and not actual text.
renderer.draw_rect(x, y + style.font:get_height() - 2, xadvance - x, 2, style.accent)
-- The caret may appear in the middle of the composition.
-- The start parameter is the offset of the text where the selection starts, so we'll
-- use it to place the caret.
x = x + style.font:get_width(self.composition.text:usub(1, self.composition.start))
-- draw the caret.
renderer.draw_rect(x, y, 2, style.font:get_height(), style.caret)
-- add a command to create a View.
command.add(nil, {
["hello:hello"] = function()
-- we'll get the current active node and add a view to it.
-- it will create a new tab.
-- add a command to delete caption text from the back
command.add(HelloView, {
["hello:delete-char"] = function()
-- we use string.usub to account for unicode multi-byte characters
core.active_view.caption = core.active_view.caption:usub(1, -2)
-- bind the delete command to backspace
keymap.add {
["backspace"] = "hello:delete-char"
There's a lot more to text editing than simply appending and removing text. This is just a simple example to acquaint you with how Lite XL handle events.
Lite XL manages UI layout in a binary tree. Each View is stored in a Node, and the Node is stored in a binary tree with RootView as the root node. RootView manages input and rendering events for all the Views.
A Node is the basic unit for a layout. A Node has several types — hsplit
, vsplit
and leaf
. This corresponds to the root:split-{up,down,left,right}
commands. A hsplit
and vsplit
Node has two children while a leaf
node does not.
To get the Node for a View, you can call Node:get_node_for_view()
. This function recursively searches for the view to find its parent node. You can call RootView:get_node_for_view()
to search the entire layout.
After you got the Node containing the View, you can also call Node:get_view_idx()
. This function will return the index of the View in the Node if the Node contains multiple Views.
Adding Views to the layout
To split a Node, you can call Node:split(direction, view, locked, resizable)
. This function takes 2 to 4 arguments, and returns the new Node containing the View passed into the function.
specifies the split direction — up
, down
, left
and right
, and view
is the View to add to the new Node.
is a table in the form { x = true, y = true }
and y
corresponds to the axis of the new Node to "lock". A locked axis has a fixed size and cannot be resized by the user.
is also a table with the same format as locked
, and corresponds to axes that will be resizable by the user. This table overrides the options in locked
Following the example above, if we want to add a command to open our View on the bottom, we can do:
command.add {
["hello:split-down"] = function()
-- the new Node will have a fixed initial size based on
-- what the View provides, but the user can resize it.
-- The other (old) Node will take up the rest of the space.
core.root_view:get_active_node():split("down", view, { y = true }, { y = true })
Other than splitting the current node, you can also add the View to an existing Node. To do this, use Node:add_view()
. This function accepts a View and optionally an index to insert the View to.
Remove Views
To remove a View, you can use Node:remove_view()
. This function accepts the RootView and the View to remove. Alternatively, you can use Node:close_view()
to close the View as well. This function accepts the same arguments as Node:remove_view()
Sometimes, drawing outside the View is needed, for instance to render overlays and popups.
Lite XL supports this by deferring draw calls after the entirety of RootView has been rendered. To do this, use RootView:defer_draw()
This function takes a callback that can use various renderer
draw calls. The callback will be called after RootView (all Views) are rendered.
The callback will be discarded after use.
is usually called in the View's render method.