Lite XL stores an opened file in a Doc. A Doc contains the file in lines (doc.lines
), metadata and various states, including the syntax highlighter (doc.highlighter
) and the undo stack.
Creating Docs
To create a Doc, you usually create instances of it directly. Instead, it is often easier to call core.open_doc()
. This function accepts a filename and returns a new Doc if the file is not open, or an existing Doc if the file is already open in the editor.
Getting existing Docs
Other than core.open_doc()
, you can also access
for a list of opened Docs in the editor. However, you should not modify this table directly but use other functions to interact with it.
The filename is stored in Doc.filename
while the absolute path is stored in Doc.abs_filename
. If a Doc doesn't have a name (created by pressing Ctrl+N), Doc.filename
is set to "unsaved"
and Doc.abs_filename
is nil.
If the Document was changed and the changes are not saved, it is considered "dirty". To check if a Doc is dirty, simply call Doc:is_dirty()
. To reset the dirty flag, call Doc:clean()
Undo & Redo
Doc maintains two stacks, used for undo and redo operations. As an operation is popped from one stack, it is pushed to another. The stacks store insertion, deletion and selection changes. Most Doc functions automatically commit to the undo stack.
To undo an operation, call Doc:undo()
. To redo an operation, call Doc:redo()
A position within a Doc is represented with two numbers — the row and column number.
To ensure that a position is correct (valid for the current Doc), you can call Doc:sanitize_position()
. This function accepts a position and clamps it to the following document, making sure that it is valid.
Doc provides Doc:position_offset()
to translate a position to another (e.g. next word, next character, etc.).
The function accepts the input position followed by several arguments. Depending on the types of arguments, different transformations are carried out. The simplest form of the function accepts a byte offset and applies it to the input position. The second form accepts a line and column offset and applies it to the position. The third form accepts a transformation function. The transformation function receives the Doc, as well as other arguments passed to Doc:position_offset()
The function should return the transformed position.
-- skip 2 bytes starting from line 1 col 1
-- if line 1 has 2 characters, then 2, 1 will be returned.
-- assuming each character takes 1 byte, yada yada
local x, y = doc:position_offset(1, 1, 2)
-- skip 2 lines and 3 cols
-- returns 3, 5
local x, y = doc:position_offset(1, 2, 2, 3)
---Taken from core/doc/translate.lua
---This function jumps to the next UTF-8 character.
local function next_char(doc, line, col)
line, col = doc:position_offset(line, col, -1)
until not common.is_utf8_cont(doc:get_char(line, col))
return line, col
-- assuming the line contains 1 wide character (2 bytes per character),
-- the function will return 1, 3
local x, y = doc:position_offset(1, 1, next_char)
For convenience, Lite XL provides a few transformation functions out-of-the-box. These functions are UTF-8 aware and should be used whenever possible.
local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
-- this functions the same as the last example
local x, y = doc:position_offset(1, 1, translate.next_char)
In Lite XL, selections refer to region of text selected by the user. It is represented by four numbers — the starting and ending line and column number. These numbers are sorted in operational order; for the word "Hello", selecting it from o
to H
will yield (1, 5, 1, 1)
while selecting it from H
to o
will yield (1, 1, 1, 5)
. When displayed to the user, a caret will be drawn at the ending position.
A caret is a special selection where the start and end positions are equal.
As multiline editing is added to Lite XL, functions that operate on a single selection has been largely obsoleted. These functions now operate on the last selection made by the user.
Fixing inconsistencies
As the Doc is being edited, some selections can be invalidated (e.g. the actual lines are shorter than what the selection covers). To fix this, you can call Doc:sanitize_selection()
before operating on them. This function will normalize any inconsistent selections within the Doc.
Getting selections
To check whether the user made any selection (excluding carets), you can use Doc:has_any_selection()
To iterate through all the selections, you can use Doc:get_selections()
. This function accepts two arguments sort_intra
and idx_reverse
If sort_intra
is true, the positions returned by the iterator is sorted in ascending order instead of operational order. If idx_reverse
is true, the iterator will iterate from the latest to the oldest selection. When a number is passed to idx_reverse
, the iterator will run for that number of iterations from the latest to the oldest.
To get individual selections, you can use Doc:get_selection_idx()
. This function accepts the selection index (1 is the oldest selection), and optionally a boolean indicating the result positions should be sorted in ascending order.
To get text from multiple selections, use Doc:get_selection_text()
. This function returns the last limit
selections' text concatenated with newline characters. If limit
is not provided, the function returns text from all selections.
-- iterate through all the selections from oldest to newest
for idx, line1, col1, line2, col2 in doc:get_selections(true) do
if line1 == line2 and col1 == col2 then
print(string.format("cursor[%d]: %d, %d", idx, line1, col1)
print(string.format("selection[%d]: %d, %d -> %d, %d", idx, line1, col1, line2, col2))
-- get the 2nd selection
local l1, c1, l2, c2 = doc:get_selection_idx(2, true)
-- the text from the first 5 selections
-- Don't pass anything to get text from all selections
local text = doc:get_selection_text(5)
Modifying selections
To add a selection, you can use Doc:add_selection()
. This function accepts the start and end positions followed by a boolean indicating whether the function should swap the start and end positions. This function will replace an existing smaller selection.
To modify an existing selection, you can use Doc:set_selections()
. The function can be called with 3, 6 or 7 arguments. The first argument is always the index of the selection to modify.
When the function is called with 3 arguments, the other two arguments are the ending positions of the selection. This effectively truncates the selection at the index.
When the function is called with 6 arguments, the selection index is followed by the start and end positions of the selection and a boolean indicating whether the start and end positions should be swapped.
The 7th argument is the number of selections to remove at the index before inserting new ones.
-- add a selection
doc:add_selection(1, 1, 2, 1)
-- add an empty selection (a caret)
doc:add_selection(1, 1)
-- truncate the 2nd selection and move it to 1, 1
-- (convert a selection into a caret)
doc:set_selections(2, 1, 1)
-- move the selection to (1, 1, 10, 10)
doc:set_selections(2, 1, 1, 10, 10)
Removing selections
To remove a selection, you can use Doc:remove_selection()
. This function accepts a selection index.
-- you can't delete while iterating
local indices = {}
for idx, l1, c1, l2, c2 in doc:get_selections() do
if l1 == whatever_we_want and c1 == whatever_we_want then
table.insert(indices, idx)
-- as things are getting removed, we need to account for the shift
local offset = 0
for _, idx in ipairs(indices) do
doc:remove_selection(idx - offset)
offset = offset + 1
Merging selections
Sometimes operations involving multiline editing can cause inconsistent and duplicated selections. To fix this, you can call Doc:merge_cursors()
This function takes an optional number idx
, which will make the function merge selections adjacent to idx
. If idx
is not provided, the function attempts to merge all the selections.
Doc stores the current indentation type and level. This value is either inherited from config.tab_type
and config.indent_size
or set by the autoindent
To get this info, you can call Doc:get_indent_info()
. This function returns the indent type, indent size and whether this is a guess by the autoindent
plugin or is confirmed to be correct.
Alternatively, you can call Doc:get_indent_string()
to get a string used to indent a line by one level.
-- indent_type is either "soft" for space or "hard" for tabs.
-- indent_size is the number of spaces for soft indentation or the number
-- of spaces represented by one hard indent.
local indent_type, indent_size, confirmed = doc:get_indent_info()
-- a few space characters for soft indent, a tab character for hard indent
Changing indentation
To add or remove indentation, you can call Doc:indent_text()
. The function accepts a boolean indicating whether you want to add or remove indents, optionally followed by the starting and ending position of the region to modify.
When indenting, if the cursor is in the beginning whitespace of a line, the cursor will insert an appropriate amount of whitespace and move to the first non-whitespace character of the line. Otherwise, whitespace are inserted, and the cursor does not move.
When removing indentation, the cursor will jump to the start of line and remove an appropriate amount of whitespace.
-- indent all selections
-- FIXME: this might not indent correctly with selections spanning multiple lines
for idx, l1, c1, l2, c2 in doc:get_selections(true) do
local new_l1, new_c1, new_l2, new_c2 = doc:indent_text(true, l1, c1, l2, c2)
if new_l1 then
doc:set_selections(idx, new_l1, new_c1, new_l2, new_c2)
Getting text
To get text from a Doc, you can use Doc:get_text()
. This function accepts the start and end position and returns text between it.
can be used to get the character at a specified line and column.
Modifying text
Doc provides high-level functions to insert, remove and modify lines, along with text input handlers and convenience function to delete words or characters.
Inserting and removing text
To insert text at the current cursors' position, you can use Doc:text_input()
. This function will replace selections and handle text overwriting. You can pass a selection / cursor index for the second parameter to only insert text in the specified cursor.
For inserting text at a specified position, you can use Doc:insert()
. This function takes in the initial position and a string, and inserts it into the Doc.
To remove text from the Doc, call Doc:remove()
. The function accepts the start and end position of the region of text to remove.
These two functions has their low level counterpart, Doc:raw_insert()
and Doc:raw_remove()
. These function takes the undo stack and the time in seconds as extra arguments. They also don't call any event handlers related to Doc change.
-- insert text after all the selections
doc:text_input("hello world")
-- insert text after the 2nd selection
doc:text_input("hello world", 2)
-- insert text at the top of the doc
doc:insert(1, 1, "hello world")
-- remove 2 characters from the first line
doc:remove(1, 1, 1, 3)
Replacing text
To replace text within selections, you can call Doc:replace()
. This function accepts a replace function, which accepts the original selection text and returns the replaced text, optionally followed by a result value. The result values for each replacement are stored in a table and returned by Doc:replace()
. If no text is selected, the function will try to replace all text in the Doc.
A lower-level version of the function is available as Doc:replace_cursor()
, which replaces text within a region and inserts the result to the cursor at the specified index. The function returns the result value from the replace function.
-- add another dash for all lua comments
local function magic(text)
return text:gsub("%-%-", "---")
-- replace for the entire doc
-- replace a specific selection
for idx, l1, c1, l2, c2 in doc:get_selections(true) do
if l1 ~= l2 and c1 ~= c2 then
if l1 == what_we_want and c1 == what_we_want then
doc:replace_cursor(idx, l1, c1, l2, c2, magic)
Convenience functions
and Doc:move_to_cursor()
can be used to move the cursors to a specified position with similar arguments to Doc:position_offset()
accepts a cursor index as the first argument.
and Doc:delete_to()
can be used and delete text with similar arguments to Doc:position_offset()
and Doc:delete_to_cursor()
does the same thing but allows the user to specify a cursor or selection index to operate on.
local translate = require "core.doc.translate"
-- move to the end of the next word
-- move all selections to word end
-- this moves both the start and end positions of selections
for idx, _, _, _, _ in doc:get_selections() do
doc:move_to_cursor(idx, translate.next_word_end)
To save a Doc, you can call Doc:save()
This function saves the Doc to a file with the name from filename
or self.filename
if filename
is nil. If the Doc doesn't have a filename set, this function will set the filename for the Doc.
Doc provides some functions that could be overridden for certain events, such as Doc:on_text_change()
and Doc:on_close()
local on_text_change = Doc.on_text_change
function Doc:on_text_change(type)
if type == "insert" then
-- text is inserted
elseif type == "remove" then
-- text is removed
elseif type == "undo" then
-- undo
local on_close = Doc.on_close
function Doc:on_close()